CNN在爆炸后赶到 医院 ,在 医院 门口正直播,然后遭到围攻,多名男子闯入镜头拉扯,大声喊“抓住他!抓住他!删了!删了!删了!”,他们竟然不知道是在直播!他们也被CNN直播了!!
You talked about how the number of injured continue to rise. That's quite not be sure. Likely hundreds of people are in hospitals around the city. The number keeps going up, not only those injured, but also those who have been killed. That is really heartbreaking to see.
你刚刚谈到受伤人数仍在上涨的事情。现在还不确定,大约有数百人被送至市区的各个 医院 。受伤人数仍在上涨,不只是受伤人数,还有死亡人数都在上涨。这真令人伤心。。。
yeah yeah. I can imagine that the very emotional things happened in the hospital. But when it comes to the explosion itself, I mean,we really don't know what happened as you said. But please describe the district where it happened.
是的是的,我能想象得到 医院 发生的非常感情化的一些事情。但我们还是来说说爆炸这件事本身,我是说,我们真的不清楚到底发生了什么,给我们描述一下事情的发生地吧。
Will 不断说,“OK,OK, That's so sad.”
主播:well, all right, clearly you see, Will has been taken away sadly. This is not the first time for our correspondent in China ,when they are trying to do their job of reporting like that. The security offices had interrupted the broadcasting as you saw yourself. This is somethings that had happened many times over the years in the stories in China.
拍摄被迫中断,主播最后在末尾还调侃说,“很不幸,Wills 被拉走了, 这对我们在中国的来说已经不是第一次了,当他们试图报道中国的新闻时。正如你看到的一样,中国的安保人员打断了直播。这些年在中国报道已经发生过很多次这样的事了。”
原标题【 别慌,真相只有一个:CNN记者现场直播到底遇到了什么 】