
15.07.2016  02:11

  中国经济网纽约联合国总部7月13日讯(记者 朱旌 张伟)作为联合国主要六大机构之一的国际法院(International Court of Justice,简称ICJ),近日在其官方网站专门用中、英文双语昭告全球,其至始至终未曾参与过“南海仲裁案”。其声明的中文全文如下:



  The International Court of Justice (ICJ) wishes to draw the attention of the media and the public to the fact that the Award in the South China Sea Arbitration (The Republic of the Philippines v. The People’s Republic of China) was issued by an Arbitral Tribunal acting with the secretarial assistance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). The relevant information can be found on the PCA’s website (www.pca-cpa.org). The ICJ, which is a totally distinct institution, has had no involvement in the above mentioned case and, for that reason, there is no information about it on the ICJ’s website.

        编辑:李悦        责任编辑:温伟伟